Donate to Climb for the Cure!


Help me raise money for diabetes research! For every foot of Mount Rainier, donate one-thousandth of a cent! ($14.41). To donate, click on the link above or send me an email at After expedition costs, all funds will be allocated to the American Diabetes Association. If you represent a private or a public sponsor, or if you are also wishing to make a donation, send me an email with the subject line SPONSORSHIP. Your help will get me to the top of Mt Rainier! Thank you, and wish me luck with my journey!

Friday, February 8, 2008

Week 3: A Little Bit High

So far, so good. The first three weeks were really about the strong establishment of a routine; without a solid foundation, anyone attempting a new fitness routine might be prone to failure. As in every way possible, I want to enable myself to experience success in what I attempt, and I certainly don't want to make myself susceptible to giving up.

But then, that's why it's so great to keep a training blog - it's something to hold me accountable! What am I going to do, lie on my blog? That would neither serve me or you, the reader. I'm blogging about my real experiences, because I believe it's important to show the world what I'm doing, and because I believe everyone should be getting "out there," and challenging themselves to adopt a healthier lifestyle. Besides, if I'm not happy with what I have to say on here, then I'm motivated to do something to satisfy my hunger for stimulation and to push my limits some more.

Now that I'm heading into my fourth week of training, I can't believe a month is gone already. Officially, I have 20 weeks left until I get on the plane to Seattle-Tacoma airport. Sounds like a lot, but looking back, time really flies.

In reflection, I think that I've done a great job so far. In terms of fitness, I've managed to:

  • become an avid climber of my local rock gym, hitting it for many hours several times a week
  • establish a habit of going to my local fitness center to do one-hour workouts, encompassing warmup, cardio, strenth and flexibility training at least three times a week
  • hike my first proper "summit"
  • keep my motivation momentum going!

Also, I can tell that my physiology is changing. Not only does my body feel tighter, leaner and stronger, but I have a spring in my step and some power to my grip. Everything; standing, walking, all movements feel more precise and carry more power. In other words, I feel fitter than ever.

My blood sugar hasn't magically resolved itself to perfection (I'm very disappointed to say) but I have been monitoring it even more actively than usual - which can never be a bad thing! I'm also waiting for the green light from my insurance company so that I can go on the Omnipod. After trying it on, I realized there is no way I could ever use a regular pump. The Omnipod liberated me in ways I haven't felt since before my diagnosis, and that's peace of mind worth every penny. I hope my insurance agrees!

Logistically speaking, my flight is booked, I have a hotel in Seattle for a few nights after my Rainier attempt, and I've got a 5000-cubic-inch girly-purple expedition pack on its way to my doorstep, along with some nice hiking boots for outside training. Check out the pack!

With my new pack (as required by Rainier Mountaineering, Inc.) I'll be doing some serious pack training, which is one of the best ways to get in shape for a big climb attempt, according to most experienced mountaineers. Makes sense - replicate the climb itself for the most logical and effective prep.

While I'm waiting for my new toys, I'll be continuing to go to Earth Treks to get my butt beat on the rock walls, and going for dayhikes in the area.

Speaking of which, I climbed my first proper "summit" this afternoon, with the company of my mountain-climbing dachshund, Karma. Who knew doxies were such enthusiastic mountaineers? Karma, at least, is a powerhouse. Take a look at her as she absorbs everything from her vantage point at 1300 feet up at the top of Sugarloaf Mountain.

While 1300 feet isn't much to look at on paper, it was a good challenge for training purposes, and it was beautiful at the top, too! With a 25-lb. pack, I climbed to the top and watched the sun dip behind the rolling Appalachians. Being a monodnock, or a single peak that's lasted through the geological eras as its surroundings have mostly eroded, the view from the top was spectacular.

What a view! And what a nice reward for a good two-hours' worth of climbing. I picked up a couple of Sugarloaf quartzite nuggets as well, just for shiggles.

Looking forward to the coming weeks and months of training, I figure it's time for a concrete plan. Here's my training-goal calendar from here until Rainier:

Week 4 - 30 minutes every 3 days on steeply-inclined treadmill with a 25-lb. pack, plus regular workout routine of lifting, stretching and cardio

Week 5 - 45 minutes every 3 days as above with 35-lb. pack

Week 6 - 50 minutes every 3 days as above with 35-lbs.

Weeks 7-15 - 50 minutes every 2 days as above with 40 lbs.

Weeks 15-20 - 1 hour every 2 days as above with 45 lbs.

Besides my goals with a weighted pack, I will maintain my regular gym schedule at Earth Treks and with cardio and strength training. Also, I plan to climb Mount Mitchell in North Carolina before the winter chill is gone, which ought to happen in March sometime; Mount Mitchell is the higest peak East of the Mississippi River.

Until next week, happy blood sugars!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

how did I know it would be purple...